Interazioni | Accidentale Trio
Can listen here.
Edition | 2018
When the electronics accidentally intersect with a guitar and drums this is "Interazione". The album "Interazione" is one of the longest I've ever heard and it results from the recording of the first meeting between Santi Costanzo (Prepared and unprepared guitar), Alessandro Grasso (Desktop electronics) and Riccardo Napoli (Prepared and amplified drums). Without any previous exchange of words about what they would develop, the three made themselves available to openly dialogue and share experiences. The record, which initially and at a first hearing may seem too similar to us over the ten tracks, is actually filled with small nuances and encounters. And if there is one thing that noise does to me is to relax and create writing moments of peculiar focus and intensity. It's not easy to write about "Interazione" but it's easy for me to say that the Italian music scene has surprised me. The Roots Magic are mainly responsible for my recent incursion into the Italian scene. They are in no way comparable but the truth is that there is much to discover by that country. It took me almost three days to listen the entire record because I hadn't the time to listen it straight ahead. I felt the lack of more distinct environments between tracks but the truth is that the dialogue between the three resulted in a conversation with head and feet. Writing about the Accidentale Trio is challenging. As much as you want to pass on sensations it is difficult to put them into words. But one of the chances I put forward is to pass "Interazione" for a color exercise. A hot and cold color palette. Interazione 5 is a bright red with short, intense black strokes. Do you understand what I’m trying to say? It is subjective and it awakens sensations. It is an earthquake of bouncy black balls with some gold to the mix. It is all of these plus eighteen minutes and thirty-four seconds. Interazione 6 passes through U2. I do not know if I like it, if I hate it. It's a mixed feelings! It's a yellow full of blue dots. It is easy to put this record on a canva, difficult is to put it into words. February 2019 marks the beginning of a promising trio, which fills our ears with a well-succeeded noise that makes us travel between canvas and inks, scenes and scenarios.
Santi Costanzo: Prepared and unprepared guitar
Alessandro Grasso: Desktop electronics
Riccardo Napoli: Prepared and amplified drums
Recorded: Riccardo Napoli & Alessandro Grasso Live Mixing: Alessandro Grasso Mastering: Santi Costanzo Artwork: EXT-1 video still
